
Femuro- acetabular impingement (FAI)

In case of   Femuro- acetabular impingement (FAI) there  is a restriction of movement of the hip joint.  The long term complication is the development of osteoarthritis due to the resulting wear between the femoral head and acetabulum. The FAI affects most frequently humans in young to middle-aged concerns.

The evidence of FAI is bony misconfigurations on acetabulum and / or the femoral head. This abnormal Bone growth and deformity of the femoral head leads to a conflict between the femoral head and the cup, friction mostly  in flexion of the hips to an abutment of the femoral head on the acetabulum  rim. The typical symptoms are a groin pain after intense exercise or prolonged deep seats.

Under X-ray imaging, the narrowing of the hip joint is clearly to secure a diagnosis. In Some cases MRI is indicated to confirm the diagnosis and to exclude other concomitant joint pathology.

To avoid premature wear of the hip joint and destructive early osteoarthritis, , we should remove this abnormal ossification through arthroscopic or mini-open surgical intervention  to restore the normal shape and pain free movement of the hip joint This minimally invasive procedure allows sparing of all the muscles and as well as the  surrounding soft tissues and nerves which is optimal for rehabilitation with the best possible results.