Avascular necrosis of the Femoral head (AVN)

Evidence-Based Treatment of avascular necrosis of the Hip Joint

In the early stages of osteonecrosis promises a new stem cell therapy a new hope of cure. As being the second world's clinic, Prof. Dr. Dr. Drescher provides a new stem cell therapy.

During the surgical procedure, the surgeon aspirate bone marrow from the iliac crest. While the femoral head of the patient is prepared minimally invasive for stem cell therapy, focuses on a centrifuge, the stem cells from the bone marrow extracted with centrifugation. Introduction of the prepared stem cells is achieved even in the operating room through a drilled canal to the affected area in the femoral head.

At regular checkups, the emergence of the new tissue is observed which  replaces the previously dead material which is then dismantled by the body.

Advantages of the new therapy for patients
Prof. Drescher  occupies the position of the vise president of the International Society for osteonecrosis (ARCO), has written more than 50 national and international scientific journal articles and book chapters about AVN written (publication list).

The advantages of the therapy it offers

  • Only few clinics offers this updated  treatment methods in the whole world.
  • Scientific support of Prof. Dr. Dr. Drescher
  • Minimally invasive surgery with small wound (less risk of infection)
  • Rapid mobilization (reduced risk of thrombosis)
  • View of avoiding a hip prosthesis