Quality management at the Paulinenkrankenhaus

Continuous improvement process

The quality policy objectives of the Paulinenkrankenhaus are to ensure the best possible patient care while simultaneously consolidating the hospital’s position as a financially sound, high-performance medical institution in the Berlin healthcare market.

Quality management applies to everyone

Our quality management (QM) system covers all areas of the hospital. We collaborate closely with the QM Officer of our main referring hospital, the German Heart Center Berlin. This enables us to offer the patients we jointly care for treatment in accordance with the medical guidelines on the basis of scientifically sound standards.

Regular quality assurance

We work together on improving patient care and structuring our business processes more efficiently. Within the scope of our internal and external quality assurance we regularly collect and evaluate data of relevance to quality. We carry out surveys and comply with an exact procedure when handling complaints.

Learning from mistakes

A high level of qualifications, sound induction training, precise and largely standardised treatment workflows are important prerequisites for avoiding errors. Both our regular morbidity and mortality meetings and an anonymous Critical Incident Reporting System contribute to the development of a constructive error culture at the Paulinenkrankenhaus.

Quality Report Paulinenkrankenhaus Berlin 2021

Responsible for quality management